Pizza sausage and chips

we're gonna prepare a pizza and this time it's in a version of sausages and chips, it's a bit hard to make because sometimes it is dry but even so it's very good,the pizza is notoriously the favorite dich for the kids & for friends.even if you insert this pizza taste to the next family, guaranteed. Well girls and boys for this morning is all about, I leave you with the recipe

<img alt="pizza sausage an chips."

* 150 grams of flour
* 150 grams of flour
* 150 ml of water
* 8 grams of yeast
* 2 teaspoons salt 

* 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
* 100 ml of cream 

* 2 potatoes
* 4 frankfurters
* 20 g parmesan cheese
* 200 grams of mozzarella

Preparing time :

Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 20 min
Total time: 50 min + 2 hours for rising pizza

How to make pizza sausage and chips :
* Prepare the pizza dough by placing the flour in a bowl, make a well in the center and gradually pour in the water with the dissolved yeast
* Add the salt, olive oil and continue to knead until dough is smooth. Form a ball and place the pizza dough to rise for 2 hours
Peel the potatoes and cut into sticks. Fry the chips in a pan with hot oil
* Lift the potatoes are golden and just poggiatele on a plate lined with paper towels, salt and keep in caldo.Tagliare the sausages into slices and diced mozzarella
* Roll out the pizza dough on a greased pan with a little olive oil *Pour over pasta for pizza now a veil of cream. Cover with fries and sausages and sprinkle everything with grated parmesan cheese *Bake the pizza sausage and chips in a preheated oven and bake 15 minutes at 220 degrees. Now add the cheese, put in oven and bake 5 more minutes
* Remove from the oven the white pizza with sausage and chips and serve

                      enjoy your meal !!
