Pizza recipe Gattò

The Gattò pizza (or cake, French) comes from an ancient recipe of the cat, a blank potato topped with tasty ham or salami, provolone cheese and other ingredients, which made ​​him famous and appreciated it dish of Sicilian cuisine. The Gattò pizza takes these ingredients, however effettuanddo an original variation: instead of potato dough, the dough is used classic pizza with a delicious sauce made with potato croquettes.

<img alt="Pizza recipe Gattò"

* 500 g sifted flour types;
* 12 g yeast;
* 250 ml of hot water;
* 10 g salt;
* 25 g of extra virgin olive oil;
* 200g mozzarella;
* 200 ml of cream;
* 7-8 potato croquettes;
* 200 g of cooked ham;
* extra virgin olive oil for frying q.b.
* Salt and pepper q.b.


Fry the croquettes in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, taking care to remove from the stove just golden. After cooking, allow to cool in a bowl. Meanwhile, spread the pizza dough in a baking dish, add a little olive oil, cream and ham, mozzarella and finally croquettes previously prepared. Bake in the oven preeriscaldato at 180 ° for about 30-40 minutes.
